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23 Feb 2011

Lantern Ideas

Searching for cut-out paper lanterns I came across this simple lantern. Gave me a great idea to utilize this technique using the laser cuter, but print on the paper before hand [using lino] to make a more complex scene.

Id like to draw up some designs but for now, an initial idea would be to print a simple background onto the paper, then cut out a character over the top to give a shadow puppet like feel. 
I could then create a ring with the paper [like above] and place it over a light or a candle to let light through. 
This could be used in a dining room for example or a restaurant. It may even work in a children's bedroom to cover a night-light. 

Also, this blog 
 Gave me the initial idea behind the lazer cut lantern idea. These stools gave me the idea of making a lanterns out of cut out panels of wood/card and slotting them together to make a box shape. 

The lanterns may very well end up looking similar in design to the stools, using patterns on the panels maybe like the one above. Obviously the middle area would be cut out to let light through, but its just and idea at the moment. 

Heres and example of the cut out pieces that eventually become the stools etc. This will help if I go further with the idea. 

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