-Please use the pages section to navigate to print experiments.
-Research and Ideas generation will appear on the 'research' section.
-Developement for Stage 2 of the module will appear in 'Research and Development' section

24 Feb 2011

Little Red Riding Hood Lantern Mock-up

This is the first mock up design for the fairytale lanterns, this one representing Little Red Riding Hood. I chose this fairytale as it is very well known and I could easily make it darker by exaggerating the proportions of the wolf against the little girl, and i could alter proportions to make it look more elongated and creepy. 

I made it by first drawing a design of trees and a house onto the paper with pen, and coloring it in to simulate the boldness of a lino print. I then cut out the design of the wolf and little red with a scalpel before sticking red tissue paper behind. After placing the lantern over a light [in this case a candle] it shows through the tissue paper, giving off a red light and illuminating the scene. 

I really love the look, and when i make the proper ones, Ill use lino to give a bolder [and quicker] background that i could experiment with, using different colors. I will use the laser cutter to cut the designs, as it ill give me a much cleaner line compared to using a scalpel and it will be a lot quicker and precise so that If I were to create many, it would take much less time. 

It sticks the to theme of 'Prints of Darkness' in more ways than one. The subject matter being fairly dark and sinister due to the stylisation of the illustrations and using reds and black, but also the actual product itself. They are base upon shadow lanterns, so the idea of shadows and light work well with the theme. 

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