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6 Mar 2011

Shadow Puppet Lanterns

After playing with putting the cut out characters behind a paper, i made a quick mock up of a lantern made up of 4 frames with a window cut out and paper stuck where the window is. It creates a very simple lantern that I could elaborate on and make more intricate thanks to the ease of the laser cuter. 
[This one was cut out with scalpel, so the edges are very rough and it is basic]

Here are photos of the basic lantern with Red Riding and Snow White cut outs stuck behind the paper. They show through really well and it looks just like something the could be in a [gothic themed] restaurant or even something to go on a table setting at a fairytale themes wedding or something similar. They may even be great to use as a table setting in a seated theatre or at a snow white show.

This is another quick mock up, with an 8 sided lantern [4 panels folded in half] which creates a much nicer shape and isnt so rigid like the square lantern above. This shows a quick mock up of how i may represent the 4 elements of the story of snow white. The normal Snow White figure, the bodice ribbons, poison comb and the apple. These designs arent final, more like place holders at the moment to see how they would look.
I really love the pale purple clouds against the soft warm glow of the candlelight and it contrasts really nicely with the black frame of the lantern. 
Even as a rough experiment it still looks very 'pretty' but also gothicy. I defiantly want to elaborate on this idea but play around with the designs of the panels. 

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